Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Project management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Project management - Coursework Example Fixed costs are not controllable since even if a firm does not generate revenues it must pay its fixed costs. Variable costs are cost that change depending on the volume of sales. An example of a variable cost is cost of goods sold. Variables costs are controllable because project managers can implement strategies to lower variable costs such as changing suppliers to reduce the cost of materials. Two additional categories of costs are direct and indirect costs. Direct costs are costs that are directly attributed to the production output. Some examples of direct costs are materials and direct labor. Indirect costs are costs that are not associated with the production of a firm. Examples of indirect costs include supervisor salaries, indirect labor, and supplies used (Referenceforbusiness). Other cost categories are period and product costs Period costs are costs that are identified with a specific period of time, while product costs are necessary for producing a finished good. The dif ferent types of costs help project managers differentiate among the types of costs that affect a project. Work Cited Page 2011. â€Å"Costs† 17 May 2011.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Marriage at an Early Age Essay Example for Free

Marriage at an Early Age Essay Marriage is regarded as a moment of celebration and a milestone in adult life. The age at first marriage varies across the globe. Being married before the age of 18 has been a social norm in third world countries [refer to Appendix A]. The percentage of women being married before age 18 is estimated to be 20 to 50 percent in average in developing countries (Joyce, et al. , 2001). On the other hand, western countries are unlikely to experience the similar pattern of marriage. The marital union is normally delayed too long although this is the most apparent reason for the breakdown in sexual ethics (Orsi, 2001). Because of its wealth, western society chooses to marry later in life until they have built an adequate maturity in age, education and financial state. Nowadays, many international organizations have made an effort to reduce the number of early marriage worldwide (Yudkin and Robert, 1996). Many believe that the practice of early marriage can hinder self-development of young girls. However, in western countries, there are several efforts to promote young marriages (Orsi, 2001). They believe that early marriage should be looked as a platform to cultivate maturity together but not as an institution just for the grown-up individuals. As we are concern, early marriage is widely practice in developing countries hence a global issue has arisen as to whether early marriage does really hinder self development due to the consequences it brings to young girls. The practice is believed to bring several benefits to some extent. However, the adverse effects it brings can impede the self-development of young adolescences in many aspects including health consequences, character building and education as well as career opportunities. 2. 0Statistical Studies of Early Marriage This aspect highlights the prevalence of early marriage across the globe and the very reasons of early marriage especially in developing countries. This aspect is important to illustrate the situation regarding early marriage worldwide. 2. 1Prevalence of Young Marriage The practice of young marriage is most common in developing countries (United Nation Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 2001). According to Joyce (2001), an analysis of Demographic and Healthy Survey data shows that Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asian countries are having the most cases of early marriage. Of these countries that have high cases of young marriage, Niger is the leading country with 88 percent of the women married before age 18. Adapted From: Joyce, L. F. , et al. (2001). Future Options Foreclosed: Girls Who Marry Early. Reproductive Health and Rights. 139-143. Retrieved January 25, 2006, from the World Wide Web: http://www. path. org/files/RHR-Article-14. pdf. 2. 2Major Factors That Lead to Early Marriage The huge number of young marriage in developing countries is due to several reasons. Poverty is one of the major factors underpinning early marriage (Joyce, 2001). A young girl may be regarded as an economic burden for a family thus early marriage is looked as a strategy for economic survival. A current study of five very poor villages in Egypt shows that young girls are being married off to much older men from oil-rich Middle Eastern countries for family survival (UNICEF, 2001). Besides, early marriage is one way to ensure that a girl is protected from physical disturbance (UNICEF, 2001). Parents believe that their daughters are safer when they marry early as there is always a man to guard them. For instance, some families in Northern Uganda encourage the young girls to marry to militia members in order to secure protection (UNICEF, 2001). For third world countries, marriage shortly after puberty is common among those living traditional lifestyles (Joyce, 2001). The girls as early as 14 years old have to carry responsibilities as a wife. As it has become a social custom, the tradition is carried on from one generation to the next. 3. 0Opponents’ Views Against Early Marriage This aspect discusses some of the opponents’ views against early marriage. It mostly talks about the disadvantages of early marriage to the girls including the lack of education, health problems and psychosocial disadvantages. The arguments given agree that early marriage does hamper self-development. 3. 1 The Denial of Education The opponents believed that early marriage denies the right of young adolescents to the education they necessitate for self-development. In traditional societies, the investment in a girl’s education is thought to be wasted as the girl is going to marry and stay at home doing household chores (UNICEF, 2001). For instance, in Northern Nigeria, early marriage is the very reason girls are often withdrawing from school (UNICEF, 2001). Because of the early end of female education, they have limited opportunities to develop skills and acquire knowledge ‘that serve them well throughout their lives’ hence restricts their economic and career opportunities (Joyce, 2001). This is because withdrawal from school that results in illiterate and unskilled women will lead to no recognition in professional field. 3. 2 Health and Reproduction Problem The opponents also argued that early childbearing which always occurs in early marriage endanger the lives of both the mother and her baby (Joyce, 2001). The early pregnancy increases the risk of complications and dying during delivery. A report shows that the risk of death due to pregnancy-related cases is doubled among women aged 15 to 19 compared to adult women (Adhikari, 2006). They further stressed that these girls are also more susceptible to sexually-transmitted diseases (UNICEF, 2001). Hormonal fluctuations and permeability of vaginal tissues experienced by these girls can lead to infertility. Moreover, according to a study in Rwanda, 25 percent of women who were pregnant before 18 were infected with HIV although they only had sex with their husbands (UNICEF, 2001). 3. 3Psychosocial Disadvantages When early marriage takes place, the girls will confront with great emotional damage. Sociologists suggested that this is due to their confinement at home to do household chores hence their mobility is denied (UNICEF, 2001). Most of the girls are depressed with this situation that eventually affects their emotional well being. An Indian research conducted in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh found that the spouses of early marriage usually suffered from great psychosocial damage (UNICEF, 2001). Another concern raised by the opponents is that the young girl loses her social life outside family cycle and this has affected her chance of cultivating her own identity (UNICEF, 2001). The most important implication of this is that her self-esteem is silently hindered from being developed and this will make her vulnerable to sexual and physical violence. In Eastern Africa for instance, a young wife has no right to refuse sex to her husband even though her partner is suspected with HIV (UNICEF, 2001). 4. 0 Proponents’ Views on Early Marriage This part will enlighten several views that support early marriage in our society. This includes health benefits, social stability and character advantages. In this argument, early marriage is looked upon as a better practice than delayed marriage. 4. 1 Health Benefits The proponents believed that body functions are more effective and healthy at early stage in life. For women, the body is particularly geared towards reproduction during early adulthood (Orsi, 2001). Early marriage is beneficial because desire and energy from young couples also produce healthy offsprings. They also highlighted that later marriage has led to problematic births and birth defects. This can happen as the body is unlikely to negotiate any burden like pregnancy at a late age. Not surprisingly, later marriage which is always associated with cohabitation and premarital sex increase the risk of sexually-transmitted diseases (Orsi, 2001). The hazardous infections like HIV will spread widely if the practice of premarital sex has became a lifestyle. 4. 2 Early Marriage as a Solution to Cohabitation Another issue raised by the proponents is that the trend towards later marriage has led to a great social deterioration in the society in term of cohabitation. In the United States of America, cohabitation is more prevalent than other countries as the people choose to marry later in life (Henslin, 2005). A study found that cohabitation before marriage is the very reason for breaking up after they were married (Henslin, 2005). Besides that, the increasing case of cohabitation in the United States of America is clearly illustrated by the graph on the next page. Adapted From: Henslin, J. M. (2005). Cohabitation. Sociology- A Down to Earth Approach (2nd Ed. ). 468. Boston: Pearson, Allyn Bacon. They further argued that married couples including young spouses gain more benefits in terms of physical health, general happiness and longevity than cohabitants. This is proven from a study which was cited as strong evidence that cohabiting couples experienced the rate of depression three times more than married couple (Popenoe and Dafoe, 2006). . 3 Self-development Improvement It is also believed that early marriage helps in cultivating maturity. Early marriage is looked upon as a platform for young people to grow in maturity together. Moreover, they share experiences at an early age before egoism is deposited in their heart. This is important to ensure a successful marriage is established (Orsi, 2001). They further emphasized that early marriage is a natural institution to grow emotionally by everyday give and take at an early age. This foundation is hard to build later in life. Also, through The London Telegraph, Emma Besbrode has reported that individuals that are unmarried by early age are more vulnerable to depression and loneliness (Orsi, 2001). This unbalance in emotional development will lead to a stressful life. 5. 0 How Does Early Marriage Hamper Self-development? In this area, both arguments from proponents and opponents are being evaluated in terms of health, character building and education. This is important to determine whether the practice of early marriage does impede self-development. 5. 1 Health Aspect Health is a very important aspect in self-development of an individual. Early marriage greatly affect the health of young adolescents especially girls. Although women who marry later in life are also vulnerable to problematic birth, (Orsi, 2001) the girls who are particularly still growing up have to struggle with the risks associated with early pregnancies (UNICEF, 2001). This is because the physical features of the girls are not fully developed and therefore both the girls and their babies have to compete to obtain the necessary nutrients for themselves. This means that early marriage endangers both mother and her baby. Besides those, sexual intercourse that takes place at a very young age can enhance the risk of sexually-transmitted diseases (STD) (UNICEF, 2001). It is also true that STD can also infect unmarried people as well especially among cohabitants, but a recent study conducted in Rwanda shows that the younger the age at sexual intercourse, the higher the risk of STD (UNICEF, 2001). This proves that early marriage set off a poor cycle of health. 5. 2 Character Building Aspect Each and every individual has his/her own character. The practice of early marriage limits character development as a girl who marries early experiences less socialization outside her family cycle (UNICEF, 2001). This reduces her opportunities for building her own identity which is vital for her successful self-development. On the other hand, some individuals believe that early marriage is a stage for maturity to be acquired and it is not just for matured individuals (Orsi, 2001). However, it is not the case as these girls are affected by great emotional disturbance and depression. Inter-American researchers have discovered that these emotional consequences are ‘unavoidable part of life’ for those who choose to marry early (UNICEF, 2001). Therefore, it is clearly shown that early marriage does hinder personal development. 5. 3 Education and Intellect The importance of well-developed education is vital for an individual to survive. Since early marriage is the major reason for young adolescents to quit from school (Adhikari, 2006), it can restrict career prospects of a girl by limiting her chances to acquire important skills and knowledge. Without those qualities, the girl’s future seems to foreclose to any opportunities for economic survival. In fact, unemployment rates are higher for those who have limited education (Baker and Dryden, 1993). This is clearly illustrated from the table below. Unemployment Rate by Educational Attainment for 15 to 24 year-olds, Canada, 1991 Educational AttainmentUnemployment Rate 0 to 8 years29. 5 Some secondary education20. 7 High school graduation15. 7 Some post-secondary12. 6 Post-secondary certificate11. 7 University degree 8. 1 Total16. 2 Source: Baker, M. and Dryden, J. (1993). Patterns in Employment and Unemployment or Young People. Families in Canadian Society (2nd Ed. ). 93-94. Canada: McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. For those reasons, early marriage is proven to bring more harm than benefits. This practice consequently hampers one’s personal development. 6. 0 Conclusion The practice of early marriage in our society today does hinder personal development of individuals in terms of health, character building and intellectual qualities. First, a girl is more vulnerable to diseases and complications when sex intercourse takes place between the spouses occur at an early age. Early pregnancies followed by childbearing can also bring harm to the girl by increasing the risks of dying and problems during delivery. Apart from this, character building which is important to determine one’s unique identity will be affected as well when a girl enters marriage at a young age. The loss of mobility and social life due to the early marriage will result in lack of self esteem and great emotional damage. In addition, limited education is obvious among those who marry early. In the long run, this lack of schooling will restrict economic and career prospect in the future because withdrawal from school means no qualifications and recognition. This will foreclose the future options of one’s self. Therefore, the practice of early marriage is proven to hinder personal development and should be reduced among young adolescents especially in developing countries with high incidence of young marriage. Effective steps should be executed by international organization to reduce the number of this practice worldwide. For instance, each country should rise up the legal age for marriage. Besides that, education should be promoted among young couples so that they acquire adequate level of education for their future. Although it is difficult to reduce the number, by helping the young spouses with their life, it more or less, reduces the burden they carry.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

How William Blake Uses Poetry as an Instrument for Social Comment :: Laughing Song London William Blake Essays

How William Blake Uses Poetry as an Instrument for Social Comment Living in a world without modern technology and media. William Blake (1757 - 1827) used his poetry as a powerful instrument for social comment. This is particularly evident in 'Laughing Song'; and 'London'; taken from The Portable Blake. The two poems present conflicting views of creation and mankind. In his innocent years, Blake saw the world as a 'joyous meadow, natural and free. However as he grew with experience his naive ideology was tainted with images of war and devastation. Blake's purpose in writing these poems is to position his readers to see the world as it lies before them, unmasked and raw. He is inviting society to take a stand against the degradation of our land and our people, a timeless invitation. To do so Blake exploits the traditional poetic conventions of persona, form, language, tone and atmosphere. The persona of both 'Laughing Song and 'London'; is Blake himself. However he is writing in two opposing states of mind. 'Laughing Song'; comes from the Songs of Innocence, a collection of celebratory poems, offering a view of the world with the 'voice of joy' though perhaps through rose-coloured glasses. Blake is simply enjoying nature, and through this is therefore praising God. In 'London'; however, the glasses are removed and Blake's images of a once 'merry scene' are lost, replaced by 'charter'd streets'. Coming from the Songs of Experience, Blake is presenting his perceptions of a changed world, moulded and suppressed by human hands. To structurally support meaning, Blake has exploited the form of both poems. 'Laughing Song'; consists of three, simple, four-lined stanzas. Perhaps representing succinct periods in Blake's childhood. Beneath the apparently simple form however, lies an intricate web of complex meanings. Although ordered, Blake's use of rhyming couplets and longer lines stress the delight in nature and the harmony between nature and man. In 'London';, all harmony is lost, and therefore so is the coupled rhyme pattern. Alternate lines rhyming in five quatrains replace it, emphasising the disjointed city, lacking in society love and unity. Language, and in particular, imagery plays a vital role in Blake's poetry to convey meaning. Perhaps this is because Blake was also a talented artist and was therefore able to make images come alive on the page. In 'Laughing Song';, Blake uses light and joyous terms to describe the world around him. The 'green woods' provoke images of lush nature, spring and happy times.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Responsibilities of an Educated Person

In the world that we live in today, education plays an enormous role in cultivating societies and granting younger generations the tools and mindset required to increase their standards of living and contribute to the greater good. However, the term â€Å"educated† is a rather loose concept which differs from culture to culture. Having grown up in Western society following an international upbringing, I am naturally biased to attribute certain qualities to an â€Å"educated† person that another person from a different culture might not recognize. These various attributes affect the direct but also the suggested responsibilities that an educated person might hold, the latter being implied and not related to any concrete school of thought (utilitarianism for example. ) That being said, the main responsibilities of an educated person are: to contribute to the development of the global society, impart their knowledge on to the next generation, and to achieve personal success in whatever way suits their own personal desire. For the sake of brevity and to provide a context for the question, the term â€Å"educated† will be used acknowledging the following qualities: those who find themselves educated generally have the ability to think critically and provide commentary on the world around them; educated people are literate and have pursued an area of study that they can regularly practice; educated people are aware of the presence of other cultures and are open-minded and tolerant towards the idea of multiculturalism and globalization. These are the main qualities that define an educated person in my opinion. There are other admirable qualities such as pragmatism and leadership-skills that would fit nicely into the equation, but it has been proven throughout history that one does not necessarily need to be educated in order to be a good leader or pragmatic. It should also be noted that one does not necessarily need to be in possession of all these traits in order to be considered educated. Contributing to the development of the global society is, from a utilitarian perspective, quite possibly the most substantial responsibility of an educated person. This is explained in a variety of ways. For one, those who are educated are generally in possession of some type of knowledge or skill that society needs. Whether it be medical knowledge, the ability to fix a toilet, or even the poise required to write a speech, the world requires educated persons to fulfill their niches and at least attempt to make the world a more stable place. Happiness in the utilitarian sense is present when the masses are happy. So if educated persons can assure a better living standard for others, than they should make the effort to do so in consideration for the greater good. It is also essential that the chain of knowledge be imparted from one generation to the next. The demand for specialists and educators would always remain present because of a common acceptance that education leads to a better life. Educated persons generally have some way of proving their worth to society through a degree or a certificate that represents their acquisition of skills related to their topic, but it is often said that once a person can impart their knowledge to another, they've truly grasped the principals of their education. This statement functions as a duality. On one hand, it allows the educated person to obtain a sense of self-satisfaction in that he or she has fully grasped their education, and on the other hand, it spreads knowledge. Articles such as the First Amendment to the United States constitution stress the ability to obtain knowledge freely and the grave importance of knowledge. The fundamental principal of education exists throughout all cultures; the passing of some type of knowledge to the next generation. Undoubtedly the most subjective and arguably selfish responsibility of an educated person is to achieve success in whichever way they desire. This could be the acquisition of wealth, fame, happiness, a family, spiritual enlightenment, et cetera. Due to the subjective nature of this responsibility it is impossible to determine a universally agreeable importance, however, there lies a hint of truth which ties back to the previous responsibilities. One's hopes and dreams are usually reliant on some type of education, and the work spent on getting educated should eventually pay off in a profession or career of some sort. What this implies is that the more one studies, the more their education should pay off. This is reflected in the increasing demand for Master's degrees in most well paying jobs. However, this phenomenon also occurs due to an â€Å"inflation† of education where the presence of bachelor's degrees is so common that it is worth less than when a smaller percentage of people owned bachelor's degrees. In any case however, the main principal of this concept is that one must not waste one's education. When looking at education from a purely objective perspective, it would be hard to say that there are concrete responsibilities that all educated persons must fulfill. Due of the subjective nature of both education and responsibility, one can only offer opinions morally justified by particular instances in history and accepted ways of thinking. Based on the context that this essay has set for the ‘role-model' educated person, the three main responsibilities of an educated person are to contribute to the global society, to ensure that the chain of knowledge continues, and to use their education to guarantee their own success in whichever way they desire, ensuring that their education had not been wasted.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Pain In Osteoarthritis Health And Social Care Essay

Osteoarthritis is a disease of the articulations, impacting 86 % of people over 65 ( Felson, Schaible 2009 ) . Patients with the status frequently complain of hurting within the joint, this hurting frequently worsens when weight bearing. Although, in advanced signifiers of the status there can be pain on remainder excessively. Other ailments include progressive stiffness of the articulations and musculus failing ( Chu, Thornhill 2001 ) . Osteoarthritis is caused by loss of the articular gristle in articulations associated with hypertrophy of the bone and thickener of the capsule ( Enohumah, Imarengiaye 2008 ) . A articulation is where two castanetss, covered in articular gristle meet ; the articulation is lubricated with synovial fluid. Figure 1 shows the anatomy of a healthy articulation. Cartilage plays an of import function in leting smooth clash free motion of the joint. If the gristle becomes damaged motion is restricted and pain develops. Bone has an first-class capacity to men d itself nevertheless in degenerative arthritis the castanetss ability to mend itself consequences in chronic hurting. This is because as tissues try to mend, re-growth occurs abnormally doing some countries of bone to go dilutant and others thicker. This means that the two castanetss no-longer fit together every bit good, doing motion to go progressively hard and painful. If there was greater apprehension of the mechanisms behind the development of hurting, and why some patients with similar X raies appear to hold different sums of hurting more effectual interventions could be developed. This could pro-long the clip before the patient requires. This essay will look at how hurting is transmitted through the organic structure, the anatomy of articulations and how debasement of the joint can take to trouble in degenerative arthritis to let for the development of effectual interventions. This image shows the anatomy of a articulatio genus articulation and the accessary constituents of the joint that enable the joint to execute its map of clash free comfy motion. It is these constituents that can deteriorate in degenerative arthritis and cause hurting to develop. Although the image is of a articulatio genus articulation all articulations have a similar construction. ( Image taken from Enohumah and Imarengiaye. 2010 ) Figure 1: Diagram to Show the Anatomy of a Knee Joint. Pain is termed as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with tissue harm ( Merskey, Bogduk 1994 ) and a defense mechanism mechanism associating to weave harm ( Dray, Read 2007 ) . Pain can be described as transient ; this is the direct stimulation of nociceptive centripetal neurones and the ague hurting this causes. Pain of articulations can be chronic ; uninterrupted hurting which makes mundane undertakings progressively hard to set about. Chronic hurting is of small importance as does non mean tissue harm and may go on after the tissue has repaired ( Dray, Read 2007 ) . The hurting can besides be episodic ; this is when hurting intensifies when set abouting undertakings that require increased joint motion or strength, such as mounting stepss or bending over. This hurting can do psychological hurt to the patient and diminish their quality of life as the hurting forces them to go sedentary and stray. Figure 2: The Pain Pathway in Humans This tract illustrates how hurting is transmitted from the stimulation ( in degenerative arthritis this is a joint ) to the encephalon it besides lists some of the chemicals that can be released from damaged cells that affect hurting transmittal and esthesis ( Image taken from Srivastava, 2010 ) . Pain is transmitted form articulations to the encephalon via neurones with bare nervus terminations, see Figure 2. These constructions are known as nociceptors and the functional nociceptive unit is made up of capillaries, nociceptor and mast cell. Joints are innervated by both centripetal and sympathetic nervousnesss. Nociceptors are normally less than 5AÂ µm in diameter and either Type III myelinated with unmyelinated terminations or Type IV unmyelinated. They have a high threshold of activation which means that a larger depolarizing stimulus than normal is required to do activation. The high threshold enables neurones to go selective for noxious mechanical stimulation ( Enohumah, Imarengiaye 2008 ) . The stimulation can be interpreted as dynamic ( motion ) or inactive ( place feeling ) ( McDougall 2006 ) . Pain transmittal is as follows ; the nociceptors are stimulated and primary sensory nerve fibers which fire action potencies doing the release of substance P ( a peptide which increases hurting by leting the spinal nociceptors to be easy stimulated ) ( Enohumah, Imarengiaye 2008 ) . This activates cells in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord where they synapse with spinal neurones and transmit nervus urge to the mesencephalon and cerebral mantle. Chemical go-betweens such as prostaglandins and leukotrienes can be released from the site of tissue harm ensuing in peripheral nociceptor sensitisation ; this is the progressive elaboration of a response followed by perennial disposals of a stimulation. Pain felt in degenerative arthritis can be accounted for by the presence of ‘silent nociceptors ‘ which in a healthy person are non activated by a stimulation. These receptors can go activated following tissue harm or redness ( Felson, Schaible 2009 ) . This means that for person who is already sing an increased sum of hurting the activation of these receptors enhances the grade of hurting felt. Pain can besides be accounted for by peripheral sensitisation caused by a lessening in the activation threshold of nociceptors and afferent neurones, doing them to go hyper-responsive to both normal and noxious types of motion. If nociceptors are more sensitive to motion this besides contributes to both allodynia and hyperalgesia as motion becomes more painful. Two squads of research scientists Coggeshall ( 1983 ) and his colleagues and Schaible and Schmidt ( 1986 ) illustrated that the injection of china clay and carrageenin could do synovitis ; the redness of the synovial membrane, by take downing the activation threshold of type III and type IV nociceptors in articulatio genus articulations. By take downing the activation threshold they made it easier to excite the nociceptors, increasing the figure of action potencies produced per unit clip for noxious and innocuous stimulations, doing hurting. Decreasing the activation threshold and the activation of soundless receptors together increases the hurting felt by degenerative arthritis patients ( McDougall 2006 ) . This suggests that if it was possible to increase the threshold of nociceptors, hurting signalling would be decreased ; this is an thought for possible interventions in the hereafter. A farther proposal for the hurting felt in degenerative arthritis is an addition in intra-articular force per unit area ; the human articulatio genus contains synovial fluid within the joint. After hurt or on redness ( see Figure 3 ) the plasma membrane of blood vass becomes progressively leaky and allows plasma proteins to go forth the vasculature and come in the intra-articular infinite. This causes a alteration in the starling forces which allows fluid to flux into the joint causation localised hydrops, ‘excessive accretion of fluid in the organic structure tissues ‘ ( Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary 2007 ) . This Results in the puffiness of the joint increasing the intra-articular force per unit area, doing hurting within the joint, due to an addition in unstable energizing nociceptors. Figure 3: Illustration of How a Number of Chemicals and Neuropeptides Work Together to Cause Pain, Inflammation and Joint Degradation. The figure above shows how, Iinterleukin-1 ( IL-1 ) , interleukin-6 ( IL-6 ) , and tumour mortification factor ( TNF ) are illustrations of proinflammatory cytokines and direct the matrix metalloproteinase ( MMPs ) to degrade connective tissue. MMPs degrade the connective tissue that make up joint tissues. The loss of joint infinite that develops in degenerative arthritis is due to the activity of the MMPs. Growth factors ( VEGF ) can besides hold a infective function in Osteoarthritis. VEGF promotes the development of blood vass to let tissue growing. Research suggests that VEGF is involved in degenerative arthritis. Blood vas growing is accompanied by an increased nervus supply taking to increased hurting. The chondrocyte produces inordinate free groups that assist in the devastation of the environing joint tissue. Free groups are non pictured above ( Sharif et al. 2000 ) , ( Image taken from: Bonnet, Walsh redness. 2005 ) . To forestall tissue harm to articulations the organic structure has a protective mechanism to halt over extension or flexure of articulations, the joint senses the possible harm and releases hurting signals which prevent farther motion of the joint. In degenerative arthritis this protective mechanism is hyperactive and hurting is felt when the articulation is moved within the normal scope. Recent grounds suggests that osteoarthritic hurting is therefore ; joint motion creates emphasis on the axolemma of the ‘free ‘ nervus terminations, ensuing in the gap of mechanogated ion channels, the inflow of Na ions causes depolarization within the neurone and consequences in an action potency ( See Figure 2 ) . Mechanoreceptors are located in the Type III and IV sensory nerve nervus fibers, these channels have been discovered in articulatio genus articulation sensory nerves by electrophysiology measurings and supply an penetration into the physiological mechanisms which are respons ible for mechanotransduction in articulations ( McDougall 2006 ) . These receptors cause increased ionic conductance and cellular depolarisation, doing an action potency and the hurting esthesis ( Heppelmann, McDougall 2005 ) . To understand hurting in degenerative arthritis it is of import to set up where the hurting originates ( See Figure 4 ) . Cartilage is aneural and avascular so pain must arise from other constructions of the joint ( Felson 2001 ) . Possibly the subchondral bone, which is extremely innervated with postganglionic neurones, or the periosteum, synovial membrane, ligaments or the nervus capsule, All of which have nociceptors, maintain vascular tone, permeableness and bone homeostasis ( Dray, Read 2007 ) , any harm to these countries could do hurting. When articular gristle re-modelling occurs there is compaction of soft tissue and microfilaments in the subchondral bone. There is besides gush and cramp of musculuss environing the joint which could explicate the beginning of hurting in degenerative arthritis ( Enohumah, Imarengiaye 2008 ) . Figure 4: Diagram to Show Causes of Pain and Pain Transmission in Osteoarthritis. T This figure shows how a figure of factors influence hurting in degenerative arthritis some of these are mechanical factors ( MF ) others involve enzymes and biochemical tracts. The diagram besides shows how some factors could be used to increased gristle grows, a possible intervention for degenerative arthritis. ( Image taken from hypertext transfer protocol: // % 20brochure.html ) As mentioned the articulation is made up of a figure of constructions of articulations ( See Figure 1 ) each of which can deteriorate and do hurting during degenerative arthritis ( See Figure 5 ) . First, the subchondrial bone this is a bed of bone below the gristle. During degenerative arthritis blood flow is increased to this country leting subchondrial cysts to develop. This build up of fluid in the bone causes a force per unit area addition, the addition in force per unit area pushes against the bone and activates noticepters which transmit hurting signals. Changes to the capsule and synovial membrane can besides do hurting ; redness occurs which consequences in an increased volume of fluid, increasing the sum of force per unit area on the joint which causes hurting. The sinews and Bursa can go inflamed and cause, tendonitis and bursitis which causes hurting and decreases the scope of motion of the joint. Muscle blowing and failing besides occur which restrict motion, the deficie ncy of willingness to exert can do musculus and ligament wasting which can do hurting ( Enohumah, Imarengiaye 2008 ) . As unexercised musculuss become weak and less able to set about strenuous undertakings this can go on to anyone but is more likely in a patient with degenerative arthritis and although this does non straight do hurting, musculus failing does increase hurting. This diagram illustrates that the joint border lessenings and the synovial fluid volume lessening in patients with degenerative arthritis. The Cartilage besides thins. The decrease in joint infinite, synovial fluid volume and cut gristle causes castanetss to rub against each other on motion doing hurting. ( Image adapted from hypertext transfer protocol: // uid=46 & A ; start=A ) Figure 5: Comparison of the Anatomical Features of a Joint with Osteoarthritis and a Joint of a Healthy Individual. The softening and cutting of gristle can be seen when imaging a joint with degenerative arthritis as there are cavities, it appears unsmooth, and has lesions in the gristle. This causes the gristle to go prone to splitting. This is a secondary cause of hurting in degenerative arthritis as it can take to interrupt castanetss, soft tissue harm and breaks which in bend all cause hurting signals to be transmitted to the encephalon. The organic structure attempts to mend this harm by originating bone re-growth the growing occurs unevenly and causes hurting. A lessening in the joint border and the decrease in volume of synovial fluid cause bone to rub against bone in an Osteoarthritis patient. In a healthy person this does non happen due to the presence of synovial fluid, leting clash free motion ( See Figure 5 ) . The stiffness of the new gristle makes the joint less able to absorb daze, doing motion painful. Osteoarthritis patients frequently complain of hurting non merely when traveling but besides when resting this can be explained by looking at the redness of articulations frequently associated with degenerative arthritis. When a articulation is inflamed a lessening in the hurting threshold consequences, this means that hurting signals that would usually travel unnoticed are transmitted via nociceptors to the encephalon. This is known as allodynia where hurting is felt for a usually innocuous stimulation ( McDougall 2006 ) such as sitting down or walking and hyperalgesia where increased hurting is experienced during an activity. An account for the disagreements between joint harm seen on X raies and joint hurting could be explained by looking at the two hurting transmittal tracts, the sidelong and medinal systems ( for hurting transmittal See Figure 2 ) . The thalamus and cerebral mantle are the countries of the encephalon that are involved in having and covering with hurting signals. The sidelong system, involves the stimulation of thalamic karyon in the ventral sidelong thalamus. The information is transmitted to the somatosensory cerebral mantle for analysis of location, continuance, strength and vicinity. The median system uses the midplane and intralaminar thalamic karyon to convey urges to different parts of the encephalon including the amygala to do affectional responses, attending and acquisition. The country of the encephalon urges are directed to change the hurting felt. If one system is stronger or more prevailing in some patients than others this could impact the sum and type of hurting felt and the class of intervention ( Hunter 2009 ) . Pain experiences are alone and effected by life experiences and genetic sciences. For illustration, a individual ‘s assurance in their ability to set about a undertaking or motion will specify their success in the undertaking. A patient ‘s inclination to catastrophize, or to do the best of a state of affairs will alter the hurting experience. The more hurting anticipated the more hurting felt ( Hunter 2009 ) . Social factors such as if a patient has a supportive environment, if they are stressed, low in liquors or traveling through an emotionally hard experience affect the sum of hurting felt ( Felson, Schaible 2009 ) . Factors that influence hurting but may non hold a scientific or physiological ground are besides of import indexs for the cause of hurting. Physical activity can increase or diminish pain esthesis. An addition in hurting can be felt when exerting particularly flexing and weight lifting, others feel soft exercising decreases hurting. The footwear a patient wears high heels increase hurting as there is increased emphasis on the articulatio genus articulation, whereas supportive flat places tend to do less hurting ( Hunter 2009 ) . If the patient has a past hurt or an hurt occurs and eventually environmental factors some patient ‘s complain of increased hurting during cold and wet conditions with high force per unit areas than on all right just yearss. No scientific grounds has shown these factors to act upon hurting but many patients do see alterations in hurting that can non be explained by imaging or disease provinces ( Enohumah, Imarengiaye 2008 ) . Pain in degenerative arthritis is n't merely cognitive but there is affectional hurting excessively, this means that many degenerative arthritis patients suffer from depression and anxiousness ( McDougall 2006 ) . This could be due to the deficiency of mobility doing many patients to experience stray. It is hence imperative that the hurting tracts in degenerative arthritis are understood to let the development of effectual interventions to better the quality of life of a patient. Osteoarthritis is characterised by hurting in the articulations on activity which is relieved on remainder, this is episodic hurting. Advanced degenerative arthritis is when hurting can besides be felt at remainder and at dark and is known as chronic hurting. The hurting normally occurs as decreased map of the joint, stiffness or gelling of the joint which is short lived and relieved after inaction. Pain is variable and great differences can be seen in the sensed hurting in patients with similar scans. Pain is transmitted from the site of hurt to the encephalon down specialised neurones know as nociceptors. Nociceptors have a high threshold and hence merely transmit noxious stimulations. Although cartilage re-growth can trip hurting, gristle is avascular and aneurla and therefore research is concentrated on looking at the other construction of the joint that could do hurting. A possible mark for drug action is on the neuropeptides which can heighten the hurting felt by a patient when traveling the joint. Another cause of hurting is ; redness doing a lessening in the hurting threshold and the activation of soundless receptors. A ground for the disagreements between imaging of the joint and the hurting felt could be explained by looking at the two chief tracts of hurting transmittal the sidelong and medinal tracts. These tracts transmit signals to different countries of the encephalon and hence do a different experience of hurting, if these tracts were better understood they could be countries for drug intervention. Pain and redness are linked and hence interventions that relieve the symptoms of the disease may besides better the earnestness of the status. Finally, hurting can besides hold a cognitive cause this is where the patient uses past experiences and the environment to judge the hurting felt. If a patient was more comfy, less stressed, happier and in more agreeable conditions they may see a decrease in hurting despite no alteration in the disease province . This nevertheless is a complex physiological state of affairs and requires more research before it can be used in clinical scenes to cut down hurting. Another possible intervention could be to increase the hurting threshold this would do it harder to originate an action potency and the patient would be able to travel the joint more before hurting was felt. Before advanced and effectual interventions for degenerative arthritis are to be developed it is indispensable that more research on hurting transmittal and causes is undertaken.Word Count: 2,587

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Virtual Tourism In Rwanda To Generate International Revenues Tourism Essay Essay Example

Virtual Tourism In Rwanda To Generate International Revenues Tourism Essay Essay Example Virtual Tourism In Rwanda To Generate International Revenues Tourism Essay Essay Virtual Tourism In Rwanda To Generate International Revenues Tourism Essay Essay Nyungwe Forest National Park and the Akagera National Park before going to Rwanda, the practical touristry can be besides used by research workers who are interested by endangered species like Gorilla and make occupations for local research workers. The eTourism Portal will supply relevant information about the Rwanda Tourism industry, advancing Rwanda best tourer finishs topographic points and supply online services like booking and on-line payment for hotels every bit good as on-line payment of local merchandises like handicrafts utilizing recognition card ( Visa, Paypal, aˆÂ ¦.. ) . This paper will exemplify how by implementing a practical touristry and etourism in Rwanda this solution will supply export income for Rwanda. CHAPITRE I. OBSTACLE TO TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN RWANDA. Geography and Economy of Rwanda Rwanda is a landlocked democracy in Equatorial Africa, situated on the eastern rim of the Albertine Rift, a western arm of the Great Rift Valley, on the watershed between Africa s two largest river systems: the Nile and the Congo. Much of the state s 26,338 km2 is imposingly cragged, the highest extremum being Karisimbi ( 4,507m ) in the volcanic Virunga concatenation protected by the Volcanoes National Park.[ 4 ]Rwanda besides is known as the most dumbly populated state in Africa ; is landlocked ; and has few natural resources and minimum industry. In 2008, the GDP was estimated at $ 4. 45 billion, the GDP growing rate was 11.2 % and the mean rising prices GDP deflator was 17.4 % .The agribusiness ( forestry, hunting, and fishing, every bit good as cultivation of harvests and livestock production ) composed 37.4 % % of GDP, industry 14.1 % of GDP and exports of goods and services 14.1 % of GDP. In 2008 the High-technology exports was $ 1.01 billion.[ 5 ] Rwanda National Parks and Main attractive forces Akagera National Park ( ANP ) The Akagera National Park was created in 1934 and is located in the Eastern Province near the Nyagatare town. The ANP offers a scope of wildlife, such as elephants, Hippo, camelopard, zebra, etc. The Volcanoes National Park ( VNP ) The VNP was created in 1925 as Albert National Park and its size is 12,500 hectares and is located in northern state near Musanze town ( former Ruhengeri ) . The part is best known for its mountain gorillas ( Gorilla gorilla beringei ) and the Karisoke Research Centre. The Virunga Volcanoes part includes about 425 square kilometres of wood and unfastened parkland straddling the boundary lines of Rwanda, Uganda, and DRC ( Democratic Republic of Congo ) , at an height of 2600-4500 metres.[ 6 ] Nyungwe Forest National Park ( NFNP ) The NFNP has been created in 1933 and have a big piece of land of mountain wood and is rich in biodiversity. The NFNP has 1,000 square kilometers across the olympian hills of southeast Rwanda, Nyungwe National Park is the largest block of mountain forest in East or Central Africa, and one of the most ancient, dating back to before the last Ice Age. The most of import ornithological site in Rwanda, Nyungwe harbours about 300 bird species of which two twelve are restricted to a smattering of mountain woods on the Albertine Rift[ 7 ] Forest Rwanda has two forest modesty which are the Gishwati and Mukura Forest Reserve . Gishwati Forest Reserve constituted about 280 s.q kilometer in the mid-1970s and contained populations of Pan troglodytess and aureate monkeys although the wood was reasonably degraded by many old ages of cowss crowding within the forest. Mukura Forest comprised merely about 20 square kilometres in the late seventiess[ 8 ]Mukura had besides been badly degraded, with merely about 8 square kilometres staying today. Lakes Rwanda has about 23 lakes but merely 5 chief lakes are best known as attractive and those are the Lake Kivu ( Western Province, near Rubavu town former Gisenyi ) which is well-known for its beautiful scenery and athleticss attractive forces and is used to link Rwanda to the Democratic Republic of Congo, Lake Muhazi located in the Eastern Province and offering yachting, fishing and bird observation, Lake Bulera and Ruhondo are close to the gorilla-tracking centre which is Ruhengeri and Rusumo H2O falls ( Eastern Province ) , Vents Most of the Rwanda vents are nonextant and are located in northern-west and those are the undermentioned: Karisimbi with 4,507meters is inactive vent in the Virunga Mountains in the boundary line between the DRC and Rwanda. Bisoke ( 3,711meters ) is an is nonextant vent in the Virunga mountains and is located in the boundary line between the DRC and Rwanda but the acme is located in Rwanda. Sabyinyo ( 3,634meters ) besides known as nonextant vent is the Virunga mountains and marks the intersection of the boundary lines of the DRC, Rwanda and Uganda.Sabyinyo Volcano is the home ground of Mountain Gorilla. Gahinga ( 3,474meters ) is an nonextant vent in the Virunga mountains on the boundary line between Rwanda and Uganda. Muhabura ( 4,127m ) is an nonextant vent in the Virunga mountains on the boundary line between Rwanda and Uganda. Muhabura is the 3rd highest of the eight major mountains of the mountain scope, which is a portion of the East African Rift Valley The vents make a concatenation, which covers an country of 16000 hectares. Challenges faced by the Rwanda Tourism Industry Tourism is going one of the major sections of the Rwandan economic system. In 2009 appraisal indicate that the touristry industry straight employs 33,800 people, whereas the direct and indirect employment histories for 74,300 occupations.This represent merely 4.0 per centum of the entire employment little below the sub-Saharan African norm which is 4.6 % and good below the worldwide norm which is 7.6 % every bit good as in the part ( Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda ) . But we should observe that employment in the touristry ( direct and indirect ) , has grown by 2.8 per centum on norm over the last 10 old ages, compared to 3.4 per centum in Kenya, 2.5 per centum in Tanzania and2.4 per centum in Uganda[ 9 ]. Around the universe the touristry industry is fast emerging as the industry of the 21st century, with its significant parts to sustainable human development, including poorness relief, employment coevals, environmental regeneration and promotion of adult females. Tourism has besides become an instrument for the publicity of handcrafts, humanistic disciplines and the cultural heritage of state. Although these facts a figure of restraints remain for the farther development of the touristry industry in Rwanda and these are: Diggingss and hotels installations are non still plenty at cardinal touristry sites. Quality besides is variable and non harmonized ; monetary values are really high relation to tantamount quality in other East African states. Customer service is hapless and non consistent compared with neighbouring states. Public and private coaction is still weak in footings of information sharing for touristry Quality of the route is non good and need betterment in some touristic countries like the Nyungwe forest National Parks and no equal and dependable electricity countries Widespread poorness around Parkss and touristic sites and increasing force per unit area for agricultural land from a turning rural population. Net income accruing from the Parkss should be in relation to demands, and people desire single benefits and non merely corporate substructure suchs as H2O tanksaˆÂ ¦ . Absence of telecommunications substructures in bulk of the hotels that allow payment by recognition cards. No web presence or hapless quality of contents for many hotels and circuit operators We are anticipating more occupations to be created particularly for people in the touristry industry more tourer will see the state since the Rwanda will hold high visibleness. The application besides will decide of barriers faced by tourer like absence of information and on-line payment. CHAP 2. NECESSITE OF VIRTUAL TOURISM AND E-TOURISM FOR RWANDA Tourism and ICT Industries. It s clear that touristry is going presently the fastest emerging industries across the universe. It is primary service industry which means, it does nt bring forth goods except provides services to people from different categories. Tourism industry is a combination of assorted incorporate industries like nutrient, conveyance, adjustment, ICT industries etcaˆÂ ¦ . Possibly touristry is one such rare industry, which earns foreign exchange without exporting national wealth. ICT tools are powerful instrument in the execution of electronic concern ; it is an easy manner to propagate or pass on information without distance restriction, people around the universe can hold entree to the same information at the same clip. In the NICI Plan prepared by the GoR to implement its ICT4D policy the country of economic development within the context of easing the development of the Rwandan information and knowledge-based economic system and society, the GoR is committed to implementing touristry actions plans with the purposes to do Rwanda an attractive tourer finish every bit good as Empower and beef up the touristry sector via ICT tools. The intent of this paper is to suggest a selling proposal to develop and implement a practical touristry and eTourism solution for Rwanda industry participants to be able to run into international criterions and besides achieved the Government vision. Once this merchandise is implemented some merchandises ( handicrafts, Rwanda java, Rwanda tea, etcaˆÂ ¦ ) will be known from the web and can be exported outside and will bring forth income for citizens, private companies every bit good as authorities and besides the more tourer will be interested to see the state. Undertaking proprietor An maxim in undertaking direction circles is, If you do nt hold a undertaking title-holder, you do nt hold a undertaking. [ 10 ].For this undertaking a practical registered company which will let practical visit to Rwanda national Parkss every bit good as leting tourers to online engagement, telling and payment for hotels, air tickets or local materials like handicrafts from associations or individuals.. The company will hold the name of One ClicK Rwanda ( OCR ) . The company will follow Rwandan concern regulations and ordinances in footings of licence and revenue enhancements, the concern will be done over cyberspace through the World Wide Web ( WWW ) service where the targeted clients are from different parts of the universe. The proprietor will work closely with others stakeholders like Tours operators, air hoses and hotels etcaˆÂ ¦ Since these interact and trades with tourers on day-to-day footing. All stakeholders will hold entree to the system with different entree right. Dedicated discs infinites to the web waiter will be allowed to all stakeholders involved in the touristry industry to let them updated contents. It clear that donees will be all those people involved in the touristry sector and the Government. Market research and Target OCR Company will garner information from bing and possible clients utilizing site enrollment, online signifiers, and study to better understand the clients demands and demands. Since concern on the Internet is really complex ( clients with different civilizations, ages, high competition ) , the selling will be developed carefully by taking history all these parametric quantities. The purpose of this selling research will be to convert clients and retain them. Customers will be classify based on their socio-economic position, life style, household fortunes, gender etc..And statistics and records of the research should be quantitative and qualitative.. Customer behavior Many touristry Board establishments are non utilizing Virtual touristry and are still paper based when it be come to booking and payment. This is dearly-won and clip devouring for most of tourer and the chance for them to see Parkss, book and pay online will be assist them. Chapter Three: Selling STRATEGY AND MARKET ANALYISIS Since this is a new merchandise a strong trade name of One ClicK Rwanda will be an of import selling tool for the company. The development of trade name will get down one time is created and before full operation. Cultivating trade name fidelity among clients is the ultimate wages for successful sellers since clients are far less likely to be enticed to exchange to other trade names compared to non-loyal clients. Selling and stigmatization is all about allowing public know about the merchandise or services you are offering, and convert them utilize it or buy it. This will be possible if a good selling scheme and a good selling program are put in topographic point. Selling program A Solid selling scheme is the foundation of a well-written selling program. While One ClicK Rwanda will sell a IT merchandise a selling program for 5 old ages will be drafted. The selling proposed will be flexible to be able to accommodate it to market tendencies. The selling program should be clear, quantified, focussed, and realistic and agreed. For the first twelvemonth, every exclusion to it ( throughout the twelvemonth ) must be questioned ; and the lessons learned, will be incorporated in the following twelvemonth s planning ( updated ) . Stairss to accomplishing our aims To do this undertaking successful a joint coaction between the Government of Rwanda and different spouses will be needed. A Public-Private Partneship ( PPP ) will be initiated between the GoR and cardinal stakeholders involved in this undertaking. Others stairss needed to accomplish our aims will be: The direction will be assured by OCR Company. Build and advance the portal platform and do it available 24h /7 yearss Aggressive selling all over the universe utilizing Television, Radios Medias, spines etc to bing clients and potencies clients Construct a strong client attention within the portal utilizing different ways ( phone, electronic mail, forum, face-to-face if needed ) Stairss in marketing research procedure Customers occupy the cardinal of the selling research procedure. The aims are the cognition development and aid in determination devising. The Identifying and specifying the job Development of attack and methodological analysis Establish research design and scheme Data aggregation Performing informations analysis Reporting and presentation Market Analysis Existing market and possible rivals Virtual touristry and eTourism is improbably increasing all over the universe ; some establishments in the part and particularly in Kenya but the service is merely limited to see some images of best topographic points selected, some of them besides offer possibility of booking online to some hotels. Kenya: hypertext transfer protocol: // Portal and web site for Kenya Tourism: hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // Some enterprises in Tanzania: hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // Other enterprises for Uganda hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // Rwanda is besides come oning for the on-line touristry. Except this enterprise there are besides some web sites and portals that provide information about Rwanda touristry and some of them are the undermentioned: hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // The above web sites and portals do nt supply incorporate services ( visit, engagement and payment ) . The proposed undertaking will include all those services. Environmental, Company and competition analysis Plague Analysis In order to happen out about possible Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors that can impact the execution of the practical touristry and eTourism the PEST analysis have been conducted. Political The current political environment of Rwanda is stable except our close neighbour the DRC Tax ordinances is clear and are publically from the Rwanda Revenue Authority web site ( some services are on-line ) . The ICT measures have been presented to the is now in the cabinet The Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agency has put in topographic point regulations on CT Applications, Cyber Security and Postal Service Economic Private establishments involved in the touristry are encompassing the usage of ICT but besides the GoR subsidise IT equipments. Rwanda Francs are stable and can be exchange with others foreign currencies ( English Pounds, Euro and US $ ) . On-line payment will be done utilizing those external currencies. No similar application have been made in the part except some tentative in Kenya and Tanzania. Our undertaking has no strong rivals we believe that by the clip such competition comes ; The rising prices rate of the Rwanda economic system in non high 10.5 % for 2007 and 17.4 % for 2008. Social The debut of the Virtual Tourism and eTourism will make more occupations chances and hike the Entrepreneurial spirit for Rwandans. The tendency of acquiring internet entree at place and purchasing online is developing in the World. Technology We except that the application will run into all the needed conditions needed for on-line minutess. No possible rivals in the part. No demand for funding for research. Changes in the engineering have changed the manner concerns operate i.e. Internet booking for tickets and vacations. No clip is allowed for fabricating adulthood and capacity Table 1: Pest Analysis SWOT analysis of the Virtual Tourism and the eTourism Before the execution of the practical touristry and the eTourism it s important to foreground the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats the merchandise. The below SWOT analysis will assist to clear up and summarize the cardinal issues and chances which will confront the practical touristry and the eTourism. The SWOT analysis will be use by the client to identified menaces before the execution and fix response and programs ready to antagonize them when they happen. Strengths Current authorities committedness to ICT and Widespread entree to basic telecom for citizens Good administration One of secure topographic point in the universe Ad of the Rwanda s beauty is cost effectual in comparison with conventional offline system. Low capital investing ( use of Open beginning package and will be hosted by the national informations centre ) More pick will supply to tourist. Rwanda is ranked among best reformists in making concern Failings Deficit of ICT professionals Geographic isolation A ; little size Lack of eCommerce Laws Transportation system of goods buy on-line ( handicraft ) can be expensive since Rwanda is landlocked state and this can impact the merchandise cost.t Integration with bing ICT applications used by different stakeholders can be a job ( data interoperability. ) Process managing many different computing machine systems with different applications is excessively complex. Possibility of Electricity deficit Opportunities Niche in countries such as e-tourism and eCommerce in direct selling Leverage on Rwanda s package development expertness Tomorrow tourer prefer to hold all information and virtually see the topographic point before going Menaces Hacker may try to assail the system. Rivals in the part can develop similar system before the launching Change direction issues in some hotels establishments Table 2: Swot Analysis Chapter IV: FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Fiscal analysis but besides referred to fiscal statement analysis or accounting analysis is the appraisal of the viability, stableness and profitableness of a concern, sub-business or undertaking.[ 11 ] It is estimated that the investing value to get down this undertaking of execution of practical touristry and eTourism will be for the ab initio five old ages from October 2010 to End of 2015. To asses the fiscal viability of our investing the undermentioned tools will be used: the net nowadays value, the wage back period and the internal rate of return. The fiscal feasibleness of our undertaking can be recognized used the undermentioned scheme: The Estimation of undertaking costs activities ( By Analyzing the undertaking investings costs and the undertaking operations and care ) Forecasting gross generated during the undertaking execution period ( the hard currency flow green goods by our company can be forecasted by interrupting down after-tax operating net incomes, the estimatedA capital outgo andA working capital needed ) . Fiscal Return on investing ( ROI ) of the undertaking ( this can be calculated by spliting net net incomes after revenue enhancements by entire assets. ) Premises The Return on investing ( ROI ) will be calculated for a period of 5 old ages get downing from January 2011 to stop of October 2015. The currency is the United States of America Dollar ( US $ ) freely exchangeable to Rwanda Francs Reference for exchange rates will be the National Bank of Rwanda The undertaking will be a Public Private Partnership ( PPP ) the authorities and the private sector will hold specific function in turn overing out the undertaking. Supply and direction contracts PPP theoretical account will be used. Tax duties will follow the Rwanda Revenue Authority regulations and ordinances for VAT are 18 % . Content for specific finishs topographic points ( hotels, Parkss ) are available and will be provided by proprietors. Hosting installations for the Virtual touristry and eTourism will be provided by the National Data Center within Rwanda Development Board at no cost. The undertaking Capital outgo ( CAPEX ) The entire capital investing is US $ 100,000 including the cost of planing advanced dynamic web site to back up online concern minutess, 4 computing machines, 2 digital cameras, one scanner, Office furniture s, 2 web developers will be hired, One graphic interior decorator and One Marketing specializer and 1 vehicle. Grosss coevals Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Gross Revenue ( US $ ) 85,000 100,000 130,600 185,500 235,000 Tax ( US $ ) 15,300 18,000 23,508 33,390 42,300 Net Gross ( US $ ) 69,700 82,000 107,092 152,110 192,700 Accumulative Net Gross ( US $ ) 69,700 151,700 258,792 410,902 603,602 Table 3: Grosss Generation Figure 1: Grosss Generation Net Present Value ( NPV ) The Net Present Value ( NPV ) of an investing ( undertaking ) is the difference between the amount of the discounted hard currency flows which are expected from the investing and the sum which is ab initio invested.[ 12 ]We are traveling to utilize a price reduction rate of 14 % for every twelvemonth. Cost Gross Sum Present Value Sum Present Value Now 100,000 100000.00 A A 2011 20000 17543.86 69,700 62,232.14 2012 7000 5386.27 82,000 65,369.9 2013 2000 1349.94 107,092 76,225.97 2014 A A 152,110.00 96,668.65 2015 A A 192,700 109,343.2 TotalA A 129,000 124,280.08 A 603,602 409,839.8 Table 4: Net Present Value The NPV for our undertaking will be 409,839.8-124,280.08 = US $ 284,978.76 Internal Rate of Return 3.1. Definition The internal rate of return ( IRR ) is a rate of return used in capital budgeting to step and compare the profitableness of investings[ 13 ]It s besides a price reduction rate that generates a nothing cyberspace present value for a set of approaching hard currency flows 3.2. Evaluation of IRR A set of the rates with different price reductions will be applied to the below tabular array to set up the rate of profitableness of the undertaking for a period of 5 old ages ( from 10-40 ) Discount rate ( % ) 10 15 20 25 30 NPV ( US $ ) 178535 129190.7 90086.68 58775.3 33465.34 Discount rate ( % ) 35 38 38.6901 39 40 NPV ( US $ ) 12828.31 2263.32 0.98 -995.75 4133.26 Table 5: Evaluation of IRR Figure 2: Discount Rate Based on the above graph our undertaking will hold the profitableness rate close to 40 % . Payback period The payback period will assist the direction to find how many months /year will take to retrieve the money invested in the Virtual Tourism and eTourism Project. The price reduction rate to be used besides here will be 14 % every bit good. The Payback Period represents the sum of clip that it takes for a Capital Budgeting undertaking to retrieve its initial cost. The usage of the Payback Period as a Capital Budgeting determination regulation specifies that all independent undertakings with a Payback Period less than a specified figure of old ages should be accepted.[ 14 ] A Cost Gross Accumulative Cash Flows A Sum Present Value Sum Present Value Now 100,000 100,000.00 A A -100,000 2011 20,000 17,543.86 69,700 61,140.3509 49,700 2012 7,000 5,386.27 82,000 63,096.3373 75,000 2013 2,000 1,349.94 107,092 72,284.0496 105,092 2014 A A 152,110.00 90,061.331 152,110 2015 A A 192,700 100082.342 192,700 A Total 129,000 124,280.08 603,602 386,664.41 474,602.1 Table 6: Payback Time period We can besides utilize the below payback expression is: cost of undertaking / one-year net gross = payback period Figure 3 Payback Period Based on the above diagram the payback period of this undertaking is 1.67 old ages ( One Year, 8 months and 1 Day ) Chapter VI: Decision AND RECOMMENDATIONS Decision The profession of selling, its theories, its patterns, and even the basic scientific disciplines that it draws on are determined by the tools at its disposal at any minute. When the tools alteration, the subject adjusts, sometimes rather profoundly and normally rather tardily.[ 15 ] The proposal to implement practical touristry and eTourism for the Government of Rwanda as discussed above in this paper is a feasible concern undertaking that can better the Rwanda touristry sector and generate income for the Government of Rwanda and its Citizens with minimum capital investing. It is clear that the Internet offers several installations and will be among the tools that can be used to pull tourers and investors from around the universe without incurring extortionate costs of transit, communicating and rental of office infinite for the GoRs touristry selling bureaus. This can be achieved if a good selling program and scheme is put in topographic point and implemented. The selling of this merchandise will be easy since there are no dearly-won disbursals like conveyance, door to door selling staff etc Channels to be used will change from TVs, Radio, Web site, Newspapers, spines to advertisement on air tickets etc. Recommendation For better execution of this undertaking the followers are my recommendations: Reviewing the selling schemes on regular footing: Tourism sellers need to be cognizant of electronic development and tendencies. The touristry sellers should be in a proactive and reactive place to be able to react to the market demand and the development of new channels of distribution e.g. new engineerings ( nomadic payment ) , new rivals in the market. Alternatively of merely waiting for clients to drop-in , the selling people should endeavor to make travel need for visitants i.e. the sector should be demand driven and non provide driven. Electronic mail and forum could be used to regularly update clients on specific offers, near to their gustatory sensations or old purchases Implement strong and efficient security mechanism to protect the system and users against possible hackers and on-line robbery The handiness of the service ( no electricity shortages, minimum web waiter cut down ) should be taken into history since we are aiming foreign markets, therefore the quality of service should run into international criterions. The integrating of bing systems should be taken into history to minimise the costs of developing new merchandises. The platform should stand for a one-stop shopping experience for the client.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Enron Culture Essays

Enron Culture Essays Enron Culture Essay Enron Culture Essay The atmosphere at Enron was highly competitive. Enron rewarded cleverness and pushing the envelope. Enrons former president and CEO Jeffery Skilling encouraged employees to be independent, innovative, and aggressive. ) The aggressiveness of the culture at Enron was increased by a rigorous and threatening evaluation process for all employees that became known as rank and yank. Enrons employees annually ranked their fellow employees on a 1 (best) to 5 (worst) scale. Each of the companys divisions was arbitrarily forced to give the lowest ranking to one-fifth of its employees. These employees were then fired. This system pitted employees against each other and created bad morale. Enrons bonus program was another motivational plan that contributed to the companys fall. Those who closed major deals were paid up to 3 percent of the value of the entire deal, payable when it was struck, not when the project actually began earning money. Employees were rewarded for high dollar deals, but since the basis was on projected earnings and not actually it encouraged the inflation of deals. Eventually this became common practice among employees who not only wanted to get larger bonuses but also give the appearance of being a valuable employee and avoid getting fired during rank and yank. The ethical boundaries at Enron were suffering under leaders who encouraged rule-breaking and a culture of competition and aggressiveness. Enron executives attention was clea rly focused on profits, power, greed, and influence. They wanted their employees to focus on todays bottom line and to be more clever than the competition. Employees have remarked that Enron was all about creating profits and breaking the rules. In support of this mentality the official vacation policy was that Managements obsession with keeping stock prices high led them to use unconventional accounting practices, which allowed them to book expected gains from ventures, which eventually failed, as profits. Enron also began an extensive program of buying, expanding, and launching businesses in both energy and non-energy domains. To help run these businesses, Skilling sought the best and brightest new hires, ones who would be ruthless traders. Enron failed to sufficiently monitor these new hires, and combined with the culture at Enron meant that these new hires were less than ethical. The fact that these new ventures were in non-energy domains also meant that they werent in the executives field of expertise which made it more difficult to monitor. Within management there was a failure to honestly deal with the problems facing the company. Instead of a developing a plan that lowered risk-taking and promoted ethics, Enron developed a Madison Avenue mentality that anything is right if the public can be convinced that its right. Through unconventional accounting Enron was able to produce numbers that showed profits and while no one understood, very few questioned it. Employees who noticed the questionable accounting and reporting practices and tried to blow the whistle were punished.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

All About the Dugong

All About the Dugong Dugongs join manatees in the order Sirenia, the group of animals that, some say, inspired tales of mermaids. With their grayish-brown skin and whiskered face, dugongs resemble manatees, but are found on the other side of the world. Description Dugongs grow to lengths of 8 to 10 feet and weights of up to 1,100 pounds. Dugongs are gray or brown in coloration and have a whale-like tail with two flukes. They have a rounded, whiskered snout and two forelimbs. Classification Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: MammaliaOrder: SireniaFamily: DugongidaeGenus: DugongSpecies: dugon Habitat and Distribution Dugongs live in warm, coastal waters from East Africa to Australia. Feeding Dugongs are primarily herbivores, eating seagrasses and algae. Crabs have also been found in the stomachs of some dugongs. Dugongs have tough pads on their lower lip to help them grab vegetation, and 10 to 14 teeth. Reproduction The dugongs breeding season occurs throughout the year, although dugongs will delay breeding if they do not get enough to eat. Once a female becomes pregnant, her gestation period is about 1 year. After that time, she usually gives birth to one calf, which is 3 to 4 feet long. Calves nurse for about 18 months. The lifespan of the dugong is estimated at 70 years. Conservation The dugong is listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List. They are hunted for their meat, oil, skin, bones, and teeth. They are also threatened by entanglement in fishing gear and coastal pollution. Dugong population sizes are not well known. Since dugongs are long-lived animals with a low reproduction rate, according to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), even a slight reduction in adult survivorship as a result of habitat loss, disease, hunting or incidental drowning in nets, can result in a chronic decline. Sources Fox, D. 1999. Dugong dugon (On-line). Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November 10, 2009.Marsh, H. 2002. Dugong: Status Reports and Action Plans for Countries and Territories. (Online). United Nations Environment Programme. Accessed November 10, 2009.Marsh, H. 2008. Dugong dugon. (Online). IUCN 2009. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2009.2. Accessed November 10, 2009.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

In what ways did the Puritans influence America in economics politics Essay

In what ways did the Puritans influence America in economics politics and religion - Essay Example This pragmatism and idealism was carried through subsequent generations on high flights of thought. The Yankee pragmatism and Puritan idealism became the two sides of the American coin, which united in the New England character for a primitive synthesis of the native mind Influence of Puritans on the American Economics To the Puritan, therefore, the drama of salvation, with its quest of certainty, seemed like an economy of redemption, with its promise of success. In the influence of the American economy, the New England Puritan was engaged in a great game of transcendental politics, playing in the market of chance with a sovereign god whose dice were always loaded. However, Fey (19) supported that, the Puritans’ typos influenced the economy of redemption thus balancing and harmonizing the economy of the 18th century that gave way to a more radical evolutionary conception of the economy in nature. Puritans looked favorably on the economic success, another characteristic of indi vidualistic values. Puritanism balanced the endorsement of economic activism with the aim of deterring behavior that led to poverty. In addition, Puritan moralists readily admitted that the poor were part of the human community and that charity could not earn spiritual merits. They suggested that those of means had a moral obligation to assist those poor whose poverty was no fault of their own. Puritan ethic affirmed human relationships. Some economics in America have considered a society’s view on the legitimacy of market-pricing and the charging of interest on loans to the main indicators of its friendliness to capitalism. As noted earlier, these issues were relatively small compared to the much broader issues of economic morality. But on pricing and marketing issues, the Puritans hewed to their logic: individual freedom in pricing and interest-collecting was endorsed, but this freedom was considered being absolute in the American economy. For instance, extreme price increa ses in time of scarcity were viewed not as a morally neutral, technical process that involved the supply and demand ideologies but as potential exploitation of others during the time of hardship. Various merchants including Robert Keayne discovered such limits on the market freedom when he was tried for excess profiting. As noted, property rights, wealth, and freedom to change interest or set prices were never viewed as absolute rights of individuals, but were contingent on serving a common good as well. Puritans were individualistic expressed mainly through a relational individualism that resisted tears in the human fabric (Frey 19). Influence of Puritans on the American politics According to Johnson (51), Christians of the early Roman period and for Puritans of the 17th century, prejudice was neither racist nor sexist but religious. That is what was commonly defined by many as cultural impact. This culturist behavior distinguishes exclusively most of the ideologies on the basis of moral character between some sense of the elect term and moral conscious. The same ambiguity was applied in large groups at the top and bottom of the social pyramid that English Puritanism characterized as the unproductive and parasitical individuals thus categorized as the apathetic. Cultural prejudice is a declining influence in modern American life. In it the conservative Puritan politics speak to a need for the accumulation of minorities; a mainstream theory of national identity as opposed to the mosaic theory for which most liberal minority leaders express preference. The Puritans made the social revolution to be slow in reaching the country. That allegation has been exempted not because the problem was solved, but

Creation of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence Essay

Creation of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence - Essay Example In the 20th century intelligence agencies of United States of America were named among the best in the business. The performance of United States secret agencies was commendable throughout the Cold War era. After the fall of Soviet Union the world became Uni-polar and there was no significant threat that the country faced, at least from another country. But this illusion of total control and dominance over the world was shattered with the attacks of 9/11. It was something no one in the world was expecting and it forced United States to rethink its overall intelligence capability. The 9/11 attacks were a blow to the confidence of United States and it led to major restructuring of intelligence agencies. After 9/11 United States decided to make a new intelligence institution called the Office of Director of National Intelligence. In this essay the details of this agency will be discussed alongside with the details of its creation. A general overview of the intelligence agencies of the c ountry will also be given. The need for this separate institution will be discussed and future threats this office may be able to counter will be explained. History and General Overview of Intelligence Agencies of USA Intelligence agencies of United States of America have a long history. Since the creation of United States of America secretive agencies have a large role in the government operations. Founding fathers of America knew the importance of a secret agency that will protect the country from foreign and domestic threats. George Washington in his first Presidential State of the Union address requested Congress to establish a secret service fund for different secret activities (Central Intelligence Agency 2007). Since then secret agencies have conducted activities in foreign countries for the short and long term interest of United States. For a major part of 19th century Britain was a great danger for United States therefore most activities of secret agencies of United States were targeted against Britain. Agents were also sent in different colonial regions in order to extend the influence of United States and protect the interest of the country. In the early and middle of 19th century the aim of United States was to protect itself and gain power. The Civil War was the first big hurdle United States had to face after the war of 1812. The war endangered the sovereignty of the country. Secret spies also played a great role in the civil war on both sides (Central Intelligence Agency 2007). Propaganda schemes were followed by both the side and secret agents were used. After the Civil War United States of America realized that the country needed a formal intelligence organization that could protect the interest of the state domestically and internationally. Before this informal intelligence missions were carried out but as the country developed there was a need of a formal intelligence structure. In 1880s the first two formal intelligence agencies were made. The first was the Military Intelligence Division and the second was Office of Naval Intelligence (Central Intelligence Agency 2007). Over the period of time intelligence agencies became more organized and acquired superior skills. More divisions were made and covert operations continued in the first half of 20th century. In the First World War the efforts of US intelligence agencies were not very successful mainly due to the lack of funding. But before the Second World War, United States had developed a great system of intelligence gathering and many agencies were working in order to collect intelligence. The intelligence failure of Pearl Harbor was the greatest intelligence fail

Friday, October 18, 2019

Selection of a Cloud Computing Provider Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Selection of a Cloud Computing Provider - Essay Example Another important attribute that has its own prime importance is the financially stability of the cloud providers as the providers with higher level of financial risk can lead the companies to become more vulnerable to their operations. In case, if a cloud provider defaults, it can cause serious damages to the companies including loss of data, delays in gathering backups etc. Before making a contract with the cloud providers, it is equally important for the companies making agreement with the cloud providers to ensure that system tools and infrastructure statistics would be visible to company. Those statistics include processors’ utilization, the storage provided and consumed by the system, performance of the network, the number of people who are signed in to the system etc. At the same time, companies can also ask the cloud providers to show the â€Å"churn rate† which presents the number of clients lost by the cloud provider in the last year.The legal requirements are also quite considerable because some of the countries do not allow choosing a cloud provider from other countries. For instance, the countries under European Union only approve certain countries from where a cloud provider can be selected like Canada.The security and quality based issues should also be taken into account such that ISO certified cloud providers are more authentic and reliable as compared to other cloud providers.As a result the implementation is carried out in such a manner that at the earlier stage those applications are implemented first.

War Culture in Film Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

War Culture in Film - Movie Review Example The aim of the propaganda movies was to justify the decision made by the US to fight against the Axis powers. In the American cinema, war films occupy an important place because they assist people in defining not only themselves but also the rest of the world since they show American citizens as strong and high moral individuals fighting for their country. Why We Fight talks about the rise and growth of the military industrial complex of the US. The film also describes how the US was involved in World War 2 for 50 years, especially the invasion of Iraq in 2003. According to the documentary, the public of the US was misled every decade. This happened during the World War 2 period. The government did this in order to encourage more people to fight in the war. This is because their participation in the war would boost the military industrial economy, thus maintaining the US’s dominance in the world politics. Individuals who are interviewed in the documentary include writer Gore Vidal, Joseph Cirincione (a public policy expert), politician John McCain, Chalmers Johnson (a former CIA analyst and a political scientist), politician Richard Perle and William Kristol (a neoconservative commentator). The documentary tells about the stories of the war of the Vietnam veteran whose son was murdered in the attacks that occurred in 2001. As a result, the Vietnam War veteran requested the military to publish the name of the son who had died on any bomb that would be dropped in Iraq. The documentary also tells about the New Yorker who joined the US army because of poverty and being in debt. This decision was caused by the death of his mother. Again, the documentary reveals the story about Anh Duong, the military explosives scientist. He arrived in America from Vietnam as a refugee child in 1975. The film reveals that war strengthens the military industrial complex. Why We Fight tells of a father, who is still mourning after the death of his son on

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Admail case assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Admail case - Assignment Example results into fatigue, is another problem that project managers face on a regular basis coupled with the aspect of balancing quality delivery as well as growth and expansion of the business (Mitchell et al., 2003). The Canadian Post has over time served the Canadian citizenry correctly through all of their products and services. However, the Admail, which is tasked with the delivery of advertising messages, has in the recent past been on the spotlight due to inefficiency. The ineffectiveness has been brought about by the fact that on certain occasions, Admail helpers have not been delivering messages in time (Kernaghan et al., 2000). The once competitive and highly profitable part of the Canadian Post has faced a myriad of problems in the past, most of which have materialized due to the poor organization within the section. In handling this assignment, I am going to provide a vivid description of how to structure and manage the firm, which would compete effectively with Admail, and av oid the problems that it has been facing. This exploration is based on environmental analysis, organizational culture, planning as well as decision-making. Admail, which is run by the Canadian Post serves well over thirteen million customers within Canada. It has managed to achieve such a customer base due to the influence of the Canadian Post, which is its parent organization. In order to put up another firm, that can compete with Admail as it expands, I would settle on the central Canadian region, notably Ontario to serve as the hedquarter. Apart from being strategically located to serve the entire country, Ontario has a large population, which would act as the perfect customer base with which to begin. For purposes of this assignment, the new firm would be referred to the Mail Daily. Mail Daily would be headed by a chief operations officer, who would be tasked with the responsibility of overseeing the daily tasks that concern the organization. Similarly, the organization would be

Psychological treatment plan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Psychological treatment plan - Case Study Example There are signs for a variety of trauma that she is experiencing and for brief therapy it would be important to find out the type of trauma; she may be suffering from PTSD or the experience of her fathers abuse. The Trauma Symptom Inventory (TSI) is a level B instrument and it would be an important part of her work because it could generate information on why she is attempting suicide at regular intervals. (Briere, n.d.). There are so many challenges for Jane that she is unable to express so the second test I would use would be the House Tree Person Test because it may bring out reference to her "true" sexual orientation as well as other challenges that are affecting her now (Fredman and Sherman, p. 20). This test is usually used on children but I get the impression that Jane is "child-like" in her approach to life and since it may be difficult for her to respond within the therapy session verbally, tests that have her drawing or making up stories would be best. Currently Jane is already a possible danger to herself. If she continues the way she is going a psychiatric evaluation may be necessary. Although she is on medication it does not seem to be doing well for her and this may also be part of the reason why she is having problems with suicidal tendencies. Much of her problem may be due to her sexual orientation and the inability to express what she is feeling. Her relationship with Susan was a positive one for her and had it is not clear whether she had episodes of cutting herself while she was with Susan. According to Suzuki and Ponterotto, a thorough multicultural assessment should be done which would give another piece of information about this client. Because her case is so volatile, there may come a time when she is showing symptoms of psychosis though she is not showing them now. In this case, Jane would be better served by a psychiatrist. In the event that I needed to make a

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Admail case assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Admail case - Assignment Example results into fatigue, is another problem that project managers face on a regular basis coupled with the aspect of balancing quality delivery as well as growth and expansion of the business (Mitchell et al., 2003). The Canadian Post has over time served the Canadian citizenry correctly through all of their products and services. However, the Admail, which is tasked with the delivery of advertising messages, has in the recent past been on the spotlight due to inefficiency. The ineffectiveness has been brought about by the fact that on certain occasions, Admail helpers have not been delivering messages in time (Kernaghan et al., 2000). The once competitive and highly profitable part of the Canadian Post has faced a myriad of problems in the past, most of which have materialized due to the poor organization within the section. In handling this assignment, I am going to provide a vivid description of how to structure and manage the firm, which would compete effectively with Admail, and av oid the problems that it has been facing. This exploration is based on environmental analysis, organizational culture, planning as well as decision-making. Admail, which is run by the Canadian Post serves well over thirteen million customers within Canada. It has managed to achieve such a customer base due to the influence of the Canadian Post, which is its parent organization. In order to put up another firm, that can compete with Admail as it expands, I would settle on the central Canadian region, notably Ontario to serve as the hedquarter. Apart from being strategically located to serve the entire country, Ontario has a large population, which would act as the perfect customer base with which to begin. For purposes of this assignment, the new firm would be referred to the Mail Daily. Mail Daily would be headed by a chief operations officer, who would be tasked with the responsibility of overseeing the daily tasks that concern the organization. Similarly, the organization would be

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Personal statement for graduate school Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

For graduate school - Personal Statement Example By serving at the air force, I have developed a very scheduled and organized lifestyle. Spending my time at the air force has allowed me to gain the skills that help in responding, reacting, interacting and dealing with different types of people. Working with the air force has really helped me to recognize my limits, abilities, skills and true potential. My experience with the air force has taught me to be calm, tolerant, and cool. It has trained me to work under all sorts of pressure and stress, and still gain the best possible outcomes. I am currently working at the airport and in order to advance professionally, I need to be equipped with management skills. Hence I firmly believe that having a master’s degree in Business Management and Leadership will not only enhance the leadership and management skills but will also open the doors of opportunities for me. Choosing what is best for me and looking at the best available options I have applied at CUNY School of Professional Studies to gain the extra skills to become a successful and highly qualified airport manager. Looking at the extensive business education that is being provided by CUNY and the analytical leadership skills that I will gain from the school, I can anticipate that it is really going to be helpful for me in managing and handling the affairs that I will encoun ter at the air port. I, being a single parent, have learned how to organize my time, my priorities and how to get things done in the best possible way even during emergencies. Living the life of a militant and a single parent, I have learned not take everything for granted. Being the air force and serving for the troops at Afghanistan, I have discovered what volunteering means and how it pays off when you see the smiles on people’s faces who had given up on everything, who had given up on hope. Learning is an ongoing process and I

Monday, October 14, 2019

Quarterly Performance Review Essay Example for Free

Quarterly Performance Review Essay Being a retail store we all know how important customer service is, but many don’t see the importance of good vendor support as well. Vendors are important and should be looked after. Since they provide us with our foundations to running our business with providing us with the products and merchandise we sell. Elaine Bridgewater, our retail relationship manager, has been a great addition to our team. With her experience she is able to bring technical knowledge about the industry giving us a competitive advantage over many other golf equipment stores. Everyday Elaine brings her boundless energy and she is always driven and motivated. Elaine’s engaging personal style has built numerous new retail relationships for our company. However I do have some concerns regarding Elaine’s performance. Since she is the first person our retailers contact it is important to be attentive to the retailers needs. Unfortunately we have received complaints from various retailers that their calls are not returned the same day, but usually days later. If retailers email Elaine they seem to get lost in the email conversation since email message from Elaine could have been written clearer, making a simple email go back and forth numerous times due to confusion. Furthermore weekly reports are not created with care, but seem as if they were thrown together quickly. Although these may not seem like critical issues, and they are all simple fixes, but are very crucial to the survival of our business. With some standardized guidelines and practice these are areas Elaine could easily improve on. The retail channel is a very important aspect to the survival of our company and so it is important that that channel is maintained at all times. To help make the changes easier we will establish appropriate standards and guidelines for the retail division. All call and emails should be responded to within 24 hours of receiving it. We will also provide an array of email response templates since most of the correspondences are routine.